Monday, January 5, 2009

India - Chapter 2

January 5, 2009

Hello all - Namaste!

The clock is ticking again - 30 minutes on the hotel computer, so we'll get right to it...

Second day in Delhi - a lively visit to the Old Dehli part of town. The Red Fort....built by King Akbar (part is still used as Army barracks), the city in between, and a large Mosque at the other end of a 'Main Street'-like road. The part in between was the most interesting! Gerry and I hopped into an abicycle-rickshaw - ok, didn't really hop, more like squeezed both of us onto the small seat and held on tight! Took a (very safe, actually) ride down the busy street, along with all manner of moving objects--bikes, auto-rickshaws, animal carts, monkeys, probably a cow or two. As we were going down the main street, our safe driver veered to the left, ducking into a narrow passsageway lined with doorways and small shops, with twisted electrical wiring overhead. Not too twisted - many good monkeys navigated just fine, directly to the banana cart and had a snack up above. After the rickshaw, our guide walked us into another lane, to get a closer look. Not too many other tourists there, but it didn't seem like we were intruding too much. Also, visited a very ornate Hindu temple, heard about the central gods in a large complex where many poor are given housing as well. Sikh temple and a modern, lotus-shaped Bahai temple ended the day.

From Dehli, drove to Agra on Sunday morning. Saw many things on the road...a few: men with cobras in baskets that really rise up to the sound of music, 10 or 15 people crammed into a 3 person auto-rickshaw, camels pulling carts, weekly fruit and veg markets in roadside villages, monkeys that also dance to music if you like (translation, if you pay their human, which we didn't).

Agra - saw Akbar's tomb, and then his most famous endeavor, the Taj Mahal. Yes, it looks like pictures you have seen, only much larger and more impressive. It was very crowded - they get something like 20,000 visitors a month this time of year. Our guide was very informative, and a great photographer (you'll see a few when we return). The Taj is decorated with many precious and semi-precious stones, something I didn't know from pictures. Then on to the Agra Fort - also still houses some of the Army forces. Large complex.....monkeys keeping an eye on things at the gate (had to walk a bit too close to them on the way out!).

Today, on to Jaipur. Before leaving Agra, our driver (who by the way is a load of fun, likes to tell us stories and ask us often - How you doing, sir? He calls me Madame Moon......partly because of my shining, light face :) ) took us for a bit of shopping - I ended up with a ready made saree - basically, Saree for Dummies. [See pics in Album #1] Normal saree - six yards of material that are wrapped, folded and tucked in a particular way. Saree for Sarah - already has the skirt made, put on with a zipper, and you have the rest to wrap around (shirt needed). So, if you ever throw an Indian party, I'm ready. On the way to Jaipur (the Pink (stone) City), stopped at King Akbar's palace complex. He had 3 wives (officially), each from a different culture/religion, so the architecture has a variety of influences. On the road - increasing numbers of camel carts (many helping on large brick making factory), herds of goats and sheep, and large expanses of mustard fields. The scenery has changed, more hills, more greenery, less traffic.
Tonight, went for dinner at a nice outdoor restaurant with Rahastani dancing (Gerry had been to same place by chance when he was here 4 years ago). He refrained from joining in with the dancers this time around though, apparently marriage has made him shy!

The food has been great - I have transitioned to Indian food at dinner at least. (Jordan - I have found American food on some menus, didn't even have to search out different restaurant. And our hotel breakfasts are a split buffet - Indian as well as Western/British influenced.) Weather was cool, very foggy in Dehli and Agra, though thankfully cleared for our late afternoon visit to the Taj Mahal. Gerry seems to be used to the time change, Sarah is still trying to sleep all the way to the wake up call.

I think that's all for now....tomorrow - elephant ride to the Amber Fort and tour through ancient sites and a more modern, commercial city here in Jaipur. After that, on to another fort city - as our tour goes on, the cities seem smaller, less congested (Sort of - I could write an entire 30 minutes about riding the roads here - with our very safe driver!) and prices drop as the number of tourists drop.

Our time is up - thanks for the replies, we hope you enjoy reading!

Sarah & Gerry

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